jQuery Tools 是一套非常优秀的 Web UI 库,包括 Tab 容器,可折叠容器,工具提示,浮动层以及可滚动容器等等,可以为你的站点带来非同寻常的桌面般体验,这套工具的主要作用是显示内容,这是绝多多数站点最需 要的东西。这套令人惊异的 UI 库只有 5.59K 大小,基于 MIT 和 GPL 两种许可模式。
[使用前请下载jquery: http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery]
下载: http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/jquery.tools.min.js
1. Tabs
2. Tooltips
3. Overlay
4. Scrollable
1. Validator
2. Rangeinput
3. Dateinput
1. Expose
2. Flashembed
jQuery 1.4.2 | 163.9 Kb | 72.2 Kb |
jQuery 1.4.2All tools depend on this library (except flashembed). Can alternatively be included from googleapis (see below) |
UI tools
Tabs | 5.8 Kb | 3.0 Kb | ||
Slideshow plugin | 3.9 Kb | 1.9 Kb | ||
Tooltip | 7.2 Kb | 3.5 Kb | ||
Slide effect | 1.7 Kb | 0.9 Kb |
Slide effectA sliding tooltip effect with customized sliding directions, dimensions and speeds |
Dynamic plugin | 3.8 Kb | 1.7 Kb |
Dynamic pluginDynamic positioning of the tooltip so that it always stays in the viewport |
Scrollable | 6.8 Kb | 3.4 Kb | ||
Autoscroll plugin | 1.7 Kb | 0.9 Kb | ||
Navigator plugin | 3.0 Kb | 1.6 Kb |
Navigator pluginProvides navigation buttons for switching between pages in scrollable |
Overlay | 6.5 Kb | 3.1 Kb | ||
Apple effect | 3.3 Kb | 1.7 Kb |
Form tools
Dateinput | 16.6 Kb | 8.1 Kb | ||
Rangeinput | 10.6 Kb | 4.6 Kb | ||
Validator | 14.3 Kb | 6.5 Kb |
Flashembed | 7.1 Kb | 3.9 Kb |
FlashembedThe future of Flash embedding. Works as a standalone tool and jQuery is not required. |
History | 2.2 Kb | 1.2 Kb | ||
Expose | 4.5 Kb | 2.3 Kb | ||
Mousewheel | 1.6 Kb | 0.9 Kb |
Size: 12.31 Kb / 3.97 Kb gzipped
jQuery Tools from CDN
Here is a list of all available jQuery Tools combinations from a free Content Delivery Network.
<!-- UI Tools: Tabs, Tooltip, Scrollable and Overlay (4.00 Kb) -->
<script src ="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/tiny/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
<!-- Form tools: Dateinput, Rangeinput and Validator. No jQuery library. (5.63 Kb) -->
<script src ="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/form/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
<!-- ALL jQuery Tools. No jQuery library -->
<script src ="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/all/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
<!-- jQuery Library + UI Tools -->
<script src ="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
<!-- jQuery Library + ALL jQuery Tools -->
<script src ="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.2.4/full/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
If you prefer to load the jQuery library separately the recommended practice is to load jQuery from Google’s CDN service. Make sure the jQuery library is always loaded before the jQuery Tools library.
<script src ="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
There are two jQuery Tools repositories on Github:
jQuery Tools library jQuery Tools website
If you want to contribute please email your thougths from Github and send the contributions trough fork queue.